Divorce Financial Planning & Analysis

Worried how much the divorce will really cost you?

Don’t let it turn your life upside down. When you lead with financial facts, your relationships and post-divorce lifestyle don’t have to take a hit.

Uncoupling with your partner doesn’t have to mean an expensive lawsuit, burning bridges, or anxiety about maintaining your wealth and well-being.

Divorce Analytics empowers you with objective financial facts that untangle joint finances and clearly outline what happens to the marital home and other property, spousal and child support, debt management, investment dividends, and other key factors.

Fact: A win-win settlement isn’t just about agreeing to split everything 50-50. Our clients make the best decisions when they know how much their post-divorce life actually costs.

This service is perfect for you if: 

  • You’re wondering whether you’ll be able to maintain the same standard of living post-divorce
  • You’re experiencing conflicting emotions and need objective support to be able to focus on the facts
  • You feel confused about how to advocate for your family’s financial future in settlement sessions, and your attorney can’t answer your financial questions
  • You want to get as much clarity about your current and future financial situation as possible to make informed decisions every step of the way

Why our clients partner with us 

Divorce can be an emotionally charged life event, but ensuring everyone transitions into the next phase comfortably - and with their heads held high - is where we excel. 

Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® & mediator

Our Divorce Consultants are certified to advise attorneys and individuals on equitable settlements through in-depth knowledge of asset distribution, taxes, and short- and long-term financial strategies.

Objective analysis methods

We propose data-based settlement options for mediation, collaborative, or litigation. This de-escalates conflict and facilitates productive discussions.

Replacing fear with facts

We educate our clients about divorce myths, negotiation tactics, and financial facts so they can breathe easily and feel confident through the entire process.

Real-time support during negotiation

We provide real-time analysis during negotiation sessions so our clients don’t feel pressured to accept an unfair deal that can take a toll on their lifestyle, well-being, and relationships.

Do you have a settlement session coming up in a few weeks?

Our expedited divorce financial analysis service will equip you to show up with unshakeable confidence and stay in control of your family’s future with the right financial facts.

When there’s a lot of pressure to get it right, it can be empowering to know what to ask for to protect a family’s resources and safeguard relationships. 

Even when time is not on our side, we ensure our clients quit feeling like their back is against the wall and start believing they can hold their ground in the upcoming settlement session.

Our approach

What happens when we partner with you

Uncovering the real cost of divorce

The most complicated part of the process is the finances. We bring a family's financial reality into sharp focus by itemizing marital and separate assets, taxes, debt, household expenses, and individual contributions.

This data forms the foundation of our post-divorce lifestyle analysis report and informs the negotiation strategy.

 Formulating a settlement negotiation strategy

With the numbers crunched, the settlement terms become clear for financial and non-financial issues. At this stage, we also create a customized Divorce Impact Analysis Report to compare different settlement options.

Our goal in this stage is to push for a faster resolution or draft a more equitable settlement proposal and reduce the animosity between the two parties. If relevant, we provide relevant guidance and education to bring our clients up to speed with their financial education.

 Collaborating with the legal team

If your divorce is at the litigation stage, the attorney and the Divorce Consultant must be on the same page.

We provide attorneys with high-level and detailed financial truths to come up with the most persuasive arguments to honor that truth and advocate for our clients’ rights. Having the financial facts enhances the quality of counsel our clients receive before a litigated negotiation.

 White glove negotiation support

Negotiation sessions are dynamic, and the offer on the table may change during the discussion. While our clients are more confident after partnering with us, there may be curve balls they’re not equipped to handle.

To empower them to make informed decisions at every step, we show up as expert sounding boards and provide real-time analysis in settlement sessions.

Our approach

How we’ve helped past clients

  • Creating a Budget Blueprint to determine the cash flow changes pre- and post-divorce
  • Analyzing spousal support terms and determining if higher payments over a shorter period are more advantageous than lower payments with a longer duration
  • Calculating a lump sum buyout of spousal support
  • Determining whether it is financially feasible to keep the house post-divorce and qualifying for a mortgage
  • Calculating the basis (original cost) of investments
  • Transferring retirement accounts without creating a taxable event
  • Determining the present value of a pension plan
  • Considering inflation and other economic forces and how it may impact retirement needs
  • Analyzing the marital assets to factor all variables such as taxation and income-producing capabilities into the settlement
  • Analyzing and evaluating proposed settlement options

And more… 


1. How is the Expedited Divorce Financial Planning & Analysis service different from the regular service?

The expedited service is perfect for clients with a negotiation session within the next two weeks who are under pressure to get the financial facts quickly. They work with us because they want to rise above fear and uncertainty and handle the session confidently, armed with vital financial facts and negotiation tactics.

2. What’s the best time to start working together on the Divorce Financial Planning and Analysis?

The best time to contact us about the Divorce Financial Planning and Analysis service is when you’re sure you’re ready to file for divorce. This service also provides much-needed clarity around financial questions about your post-divorce lifestyle.

Additionally, we serve those in the throes of a legal battle who need clarity around their marital finances. This resolves the financial unknowns and elevates the quality of counsel you can get from your legal team.

Partnering with us will equip you with data to make informed decisions at every step without resorting to interpersonal conflict that may escalate to litigation. You will have a clear idea about how much the divorce will cost, how you can continue to be financially independent, as well as how to co-parent peacefully if you have kids.

3. What’s the best time to start working together for the Expedited Divorce Financial Planning and Analysis service?

The Expedited Divorce Financial Planning and Analysis timeline is about two weeks, so contacting us when the document exchange process begins is ideal.

Our goal is to arm our clients with financial facts before the mediation session or court date in case of litigated settlements and review them together to proceed with a clear picture of a family’s financial future.

Essentially, having all the financial facts - whether you’re at the mediation stage or have initiated litigation - can make all the difference between confidently advocating for your family’s future and accepting an unfair deal under pressure.

4. What information do you need to start the Divorce Financial Planning and Analysis (applicable for Divorce Financial Planning and Analysis and Expedited Divorce Financial Planning and Analysis)?

When you start working with us, we will share a 4-page guide detailing which financial statements we need from you, depending on your assets.

Overall, we need historical lifestyle data and documentation around joint assets, retirement and pension funds, tax data, and household expenses to come up with divorce financial analysis reports that uncover the real cost of the uncoupling.

5. Do you provide ongoing support after the settlement session?

Yes. If a resolution is not reached in the first settlement session (litigated or mediated), we continue to support you in advocating for yourself in upcoming sessions and beyond.

We’re here to take unfair deals off the table. Ready to secure your family’s financial future?